Our thyroid, though often overlooked until it goes out of whack, is an important gland that has a huge role to play in how we feel and how our body functions. When it is under or over functioning, we want to understand why. That is my role as your naturopath—to put my detective cap on and investigate. Once we have a better understanding of contributing factors, we work together to remedy and restore balance, promoting thyroid health in a myriad of ways. If you are on thyroid medication, naturopathy works synergistically to optimise thyroid function further (especially in the way of conversion support for adequate active thyroid hormone). 

In conditions such as Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease, there is more to address than just the thyroid. Understanding why we have lost immune tolerance is at the top of our list and there are many ways to support the underlying drivers to bring the body back into a state of equilibrium, ensuring optimal thyroid function. Especially in Hashimoto’s when antibodies are first discovered, yet the thyroid is still functioning as normal, you can feel unwell despite this. This is an important time to calm the immune system and preserve thyroid tissue. Naturopathy has the means to do this beautifully.

Pregnancy is a stress test for our thyroid and so adequate testing and then appropriate management if there are thyroid issues is immensely important for pregnancy health, and the health and growth of bub. 

If you’re feeling the call, I’d love to see you in clinic. To commence our journey together, book an initial consultation here.