Planning a baby is such an exciting time! For those considering starting their trying to conceive (TTC) journey, working with a naturopath is a surefire way to ensure nutrition needs are being met, and to understand how to optimise lifestyle practices for a natural conception, healthy pregnancy and beyond. I love to have a 12 month period for this, though 3-4 months prior to TTC is also really great. Together, we understand your menstrual cycles and remedy any issues that might be presenting here. We establish prenatal nutrition and optimise oocyte (egg) health. It’s nice for both partners to be on board and be working as a team to optimise their health. There is an option for further testing for understanding fertility, though not everyone chooses to do this right away. It’s your journey and so you guide how deep we go into investigations.

Our main priority is establishing healthy parameters conducive to conception, positive pregnancy and birth outcomes, and a nourished postpartum (yes, I am already thinking about your postpartum in preconception!).

Once pregnant, naturopathic medicine continues to support you. Pregnancy is a time of massive changes within the body and it's a stress test for many systems (especially the thyroid). Pregnancy presents differently for every woman, and we are here to optimise each trimester from an individualised approach. From nutrition, to symptoms (i.e. nausea), to analysing bloods, to any presenting issues (i.e. gestational diabetes), we stay on top of your needs and adjust your supplements and support accordingly. Birth preparations are also included and we look at the birth space from a holistic perspective (one of my favourite areas).

Postpartum is a time of immense changes again. Not only is there a huge shift in hormones, and the immune system, there is also a whole new role of mothering that you are learning—bonding with your baby, breastfeeding if you so choose, and everything in between. Generally speaking, I am ‘on call’ to my new mother for any needs at all—supports are ready to go for if there is a tear or belly birth, if there are issues with breastmilk supply, or postnatal mental health is pushing past the period of baby blues. As a naturopath, I can support so beautifully from a nutritionally and herbal perspective, which can side in nicely with all other support provided from midwives, lactation consultants, and child health nurses/paediatricians. I also have a plethora of additional support in the way of referrals for all kinds of needs in this period.

Ordinarily we have a proper catch-up around 6 weeks once you have completed your postpartum bloods to check-in on how everything is going (mental health being a biggie). This appointment can be a really lovely one for new mothers, as it’s where they have the opportunity of sharing their birth story and receiving additional emotional support. If any nutrient needs are glaring at us, this is addressed and as with every stage of the natal journey, the approach is individualised to what is required for mother. If any support is needed for bub (i.e. colic/reflux, skin issues), these can also be addressed in the postpartum period.

If you’re feeling the call, I’d love to see you in clinic. To commence our journey together, book an initial consultation here.