Our intimate region of the body is an important area of our health that can indeed go out of balance. The vagina ecology is a novel one, where there is a dominance in lactobacillus and the low pH (high acidity) environment sustains the beautiful balance of bacteria. 

In conditions such as recurrent candida/thrush, bacterial vaginosis, and aerobic vaginitis, we see a disruption to the microbiome and the environment that sustains a healthy vagina. Unfortunately, many women don’t see results from over-the-counter anti-fungals, or prescribed antibiotics. And, if used repeatedly, this can drive the recurrent infection via destabilising effects on the sensitive vaginal microbiome.

Naturopathy works so beautifully in this area with both oral treatment and vaginal insertions that reestablish the beneficial flora in the vagina, restoring mucosal integrity and ensuring the immune system is online to do its job of clearing out species that are unhelpful.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is also an area that benefits greatly from naturopathic support. There is much that can be done to investigate why the virus is persisting and help the immune system clear HPV (as it is its job to do) before your next pap smear.

If you’re feeling the call, I’d love to see you in clinic. To commence our journey together, book an initial consultation here.