Hi, I’m Claire, a clinical naturopath and nutritionist with an additional degree in psychology and over 10 years experience in the health and fitness industry. I have long been interested in the healing potentials of the body and the way all aspects of life influence our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Nature cure medicine has always made sense to me. Learn more about me and my background in my bio.

As a naturopath, I love putting on my detective hat to understand the root cause of symptoms. Taking time with my patients is my favourite. You’ll feel heard in my in-depth person-centred sessions where you share your health story and I begin to paint a picture of where we are going to go, educating you along the way. With an evidence-based approach and a plethora of herbs, nutritional supplements, tools and resources at our disposal, together we move towards your most vibrant health. If we need to, we can call on investigations like blood work, functional testing (like microbiome mapping) and specialist considerations. As a knowledge-seeker, you’ll also find me spending endless hours researching cases.

See my main interest and specialist areas in the section above. Really, I am open to working with any condition and if you aren’t sure you can email me at hello@clairehargreaves.com.au. I can direct you to someone more suited if I’m not the person for you.