The afternoon slump is a kicker for a lot of people I work with. Having more nutrient dense, less high-hit sugar snacks at this time is the difference between sustained energy and plummets that leave you dragging yourself through the evening. This is one of my favourites for a sense of sweetness, but with a higher protein and fat ratio to support blood sugars.


6 dates

1 cup macadamias

1 cup almond meal

1 cup desiccated coconut + extra for coating

¼ cup cashew butter

¼ cup collagen powder

¼ cup lemon juice (approx. one lemon)

The rind of said lemon

¼ tsp vanilla extract


  1. Blitz everything up in a food processor or thermomix.

  2. Press into a tin or glass dish lined with some baking paper. Alternatively, you can roll these into balls. The slice is just quicker and over time it’s what I’ve leaned toward for ease!

  3. Sprinkle left over coconut over the top of the slice, or—if you made balls—roll the balls in coconut.

  4. Pop into the freezer for a few hours. Once set, you can enjoy straight from the freezer, or let them defrost a little before hand.

  5. These last for a long time in the freezer. Likely 3 months? Mine never last that long, but a great one to make a big batch and have at the ready for those afternoon sugar cravings!

Claire Hargreaves